The Best Garage Door Ever

Tired on using wall switch to open or close your garage ? You need multiple switches ? 

We have a solution ! 

To get as many buttons as you want to open or close the same garage door, like one in the kitchen, one next to the door, or even with sensors, just copy this circuit

  • 1 Flip-Flop circuit to store the state of the door : open or close (1 or 0 bit)
  • 1 NOT gate (an inverter) to drive the garage door
  • as many buttons or sensors you fancy
  • 1 mini Roamer (not included)

Push any button and the door will close or open, depending of its previous state.

If you push one button with the door close, it will open.
Then, you push again the same or any another button, it will close the door.

You can adapt this circuit with pressure, proximity switches [beware, it will keep the door between two states, so if you stay on/under the sensors, the door will loop. I'm working on a fix]

To get a nice miniature Roamer, glitch size its pod to minimum. it's the best joy ride.

To try this circuit live, and drive the remote-controlled sized Roamer on a low gravity planet, go to the No Man's Sky School of Technology in Euclid