Mini-game for NMS : Pirates Attack !
Planet Naggie Y47, Jack Sparrow System, Euclid
Build for the "Jack Sparrow Treasure Cove Build Event", provided by "The Pan-Galactic Builders Federation" in may 2024
Open the doors of the Fort and get the treasure !
All wires are visible, because I needed them as laser shoots between the geks : blue for the people (on), red for the pirates (off) ! It made me hide all the "real" wires for electricity and logic under the soil and the buildings :)
It was nice to play with the projectors to create the geks and the Kraken (multiples projectors, one for each tentacle)
and please, don't use your ship to get the second button. Just sit in the chair, and wait :)
Adventures with Dread and Friends visited the base :
Boid Gaming made a great visit and review of the minigame : enjoy !
main post on reddit :